South and West
For me, climbing to the top is medicine! The forest is life; the first pharmacy and the first Home Depot. A great school of life.
I create Eco-cultural and Eco-historical experiences at Soraya Tours PR. My expertise are the southern and western areas of Puerto Rico.
I am passionate about the biodiversity, culture and history of the Island where I was born. I am honored to interpret, educate and raise awareness in public squares as well as in natural spaces. Interacting with communities, local businesses and biodiversity during my tours is a priority. Collaborating for the preservation of our natural resources and our culture.
Come with me to walk and venture into the ancestral paths of Puerto Rico. To disconnect from our daily life and connect with nature. In adventures prepared with a lot of love for all of you.
Here are some of the places we visited:
Fuerte Caprón, Guánica
Guayacán Centenario, Guánica
Punta Guaniquilla, Cabo Rojo
Pico Rodadero, Yauco
Charco de los Peces, Guayanilla
El Salto de Collores, Juana Diaz
Full Day in Ponce, Historia Precolonial-Colonial
Jurutungo, Ponce
Contact me by:
Instagram @soraya_tourspr
WhatsApp 1-787-374-2249